How to Survive Finals

With just two weeks of classes left and finals looming over head, it seemed only fitting to give some advice of how to survive finals with the least amount of stress possible.

First off: Start Studying now.

I think the biggest mistake people make is not starting early enough. Right now you should be getting all of your study guides together that teachers have given you throughout the semester and making your own versions. Putting it into your own words will help you remember it. If you can, type it up and then write it out by hand. Also, consider doing large note cards for main concepts and bullet points underneath.

Second: Organize 

I am the biggest fan of the “to-do list”. I like making them each week to keep assignments, meetings, tutoring sessions etc. straight. I put each activity under the day I am to do it, and rank them by importance. I also use sticky notes to add in anything I forgot or that’s last minute. Be sure to utilize your planner now too! I also have a large calendar on my desk that I write down all due dates so I can see what I have coming up in advance.

Here is my to-do list for Tuesday-Thursday of this week.

Third: Stay Organized & On Task When Studying

When it comes to actually going to the library and studying- do this early. Also, make sure you stay organized when you are there, it will help you stay on task if you have everything in order of what you need to do next. Set up time blocks of studying what subject when. Keep handouts and study guides in folders- otherwise they are easy to misplace.

Here are three of my folders. Try and keep them all together. Also, label them if you won’t remember which color is which.

Tip: When studying, only have out what you need. Put books and folders that you are not using until later away.

Four: Stay Hydrated

Studying can take a lot out of you and the last thing you want to be is sick during finals week. Always keep water with you. I also like to keep a little snack with my in case I get hungry- goldfish are my favorite. Granola bars are good too.

I find I drink more water when there is a straw involved, so grab your favorite tumbler and hit the books!

I will post more tips on surviving finals week as it gets closer. Study early and study hard!

What do you do to get through finals?

Stay Fabulous!

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