Coffee Talk: New Ideas

One of the reasons I switched from being a pre-dental student, to being marketing and entrepreneurship, was for the creativity factor. I am someone who craves a challenge, and is always looking for the next thing I can teach myself. I knew I needed to have a career that allowed me to think …

Coffee Talk: Slow Down

I’ve been totally slacking. It seems as though I have fewer and fewer hours in the day this past month and my blog posts were sadly the ones to suffer. However, I’ve recently passed on the torch of my sorority position and have taken on a slightly smaller one (director of merchandising- very …

Coffee Talk: Planning Ahead {is it always good?}

I tend to plan ahead, way ahead, okay, sometimes too far ahead. I like knowing what is going to happen and I like having time to prepare for whatever is going to happen. It gives me time to make lists, lists for my lists and to-do lists for doing my lists. Well, that’s …

Coffee Talk : Summer Whirlwind

This Summer truly has been a whirlwind for me. There have been so many wonderful changes and experiences that I can hardly stand it. However, it certainly caused my consistent blog posting to suffer a bit. On the bright side, I have discovered how much I enjoy doing more outfit posts (and basically …

Coffee Talk : Italian.

I am 19 days away from jet setting off to Rome for two and a half weeks (eek!) I have realized that I can really only say a few things in Italian: Ciao, Pizza, and Nonna (only because I, to this day, call one of my friend’s grandmothers, Nonna.)

I have …