I’m slowly but surely making progress with my 101 in 1001 list, I’ve crossed off 5 of my to-do items recently and have been making progress on 3 more!
3. Interview 5 women entrepreneurs that inspire me (4/5, see my latest interview here)
20. Inspire one person (October 2014, received a few emails that said it, beyond amazing!)
21. Try 10 new dishes or food items (September 2014)
27. Gain at least 1,000 followers on twitter (September 2014, thank you everyone!)
30. Intern in the fashion industry (May 2014)
41. Move into my own apartment (May 2014)
63. Find the skincare routine that works best for me (hoping the one I just began is it, stay tuned!)
92. Learn about the stock market and dabble in it (currently in progress)