We have all been taught from a young age to read, analyze, question and ponder. I am not saying that this is a bad thing by any means, but sometimes it can be. What am I trying to say? Sometimes the piece of toast, is really a piece of toast and not a five course meal.
All of us, at some point or another, have over analyzed something and when it was all said and done, all you were left with was unnecessary stress and the same answer from the very beginning. Honestly, stop over analyzing every little thing in your life. Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing. If you do nothing, everything else will sort itself out and from there, you can move forward.
Instead of dwelling on something that in the grand scheme of things, really won’t matter in say a year or two, ignore it and keep going. I know I can look back on many a situation and wonder why I stressed out about it or over analyzed it, when now, it doesn’t matter a bit. Try and think about the big picture, too often we get stuck on a chapter and we forget about the novel.
I challenge you to think about how you want you novel to end, and ignore the chapter today.