Coffee Talk : Diving In

I decided to start a fun new series, coffee talk. Each Monday a new coffee talk post will come out! I am not positive of what it will manifest into, but sometimes that’s how you have the most fun, just diving right in!


{Challah Cinnamon Rolls}


The saying “think before you leap” has been something I have always tried to live my life by. I think every decision though (really, I think about it too much), usually I make a pros and cons list, sometimes I consult with a best friend or search the internet for advice. Honestly, I rarely make a decision I have not fully, and thoroughly thought through. Most people, including myself look at this as a good thing. However, it leaves little room for risk taking.

I define a risk as something that the cons are more likely, but the benefit far outweighs them. Betting against the odds if you will. Risks, although often scary are necessary. Because they are necessary, the whole process of trying to weigh the pros and cons, doesn’t always work. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and dive in.

Recently, I have been trying to be more “carefree” when it comes to decision making and weighing pros and cons (key word being “more”, because lets face it, I am a control freak to the core.) It has not been easy, in fact I have needed to give myself a little pep-talk every now and again to remind myself to take a deep breathe and trust my gut.

My challenge for all of the control freaks out there is to try and trust your gut and not over analyze every decision. Go with it and see what happens. Take that risk you have been tossing around in your mind.

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